Goku, who is also known as Son Goku, is the main protagonist of the entire Dragon Ball series. Sporting a trademark black and spiky hair and is usually seen donning a red and blur martial arts uniform. Goku is well liked by his viewers for his energetic personality, cheerful and a forgiving nature towards his beaten enemies. Goku first appeared in the first episode of Dragonball where he was seen as a 5 year old boy with a monkey tail and surviving alone in a secluded area.
He has in his possession one of the seven Dragonballs. When all seven of the said Dragonballs are collected, it is said that a Dragon will appear and would grant one wish to anyone who collected the Dragonballs. Goku guarded he ball with his life as he initially thought that the Dragonball that he possesses was his grandfather, who had passed away. His grandfather, Gohan, discovered Goku in a spaceship when he crashed into earth. Goku comes from another planed deep in space called Vegeta, whose inhabitants there calls themselves a Saiyan. Saiyans are very well known for their fighting capabilities in space as well as conquering other planets.
The reason that Goku crash landed on planet Earth is that he is supposed to conquer planet earth, however that changed when he fall off a cliff in which he inflicted a damage on his head, making him lose his memory. Goku's tail is also not for decorative purposes as Goku will evolve into an Ape like beast with enormous powers during a full moon. Goku once transformed into that beast and unfortunately stepped on his grandfather, which led to his grandfather's demise.
Goku is also seen as a savior of earth in the series and is a major influence to his peers and as the series unfolds, the other characters dependence on him to save them out of tight situations grows.
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